Number | 84/22 |
Status | Registration end |
Begin | 02-11-2023, 5:00 PM |
End | 02-11-2023, 8:00 PM |
Closing date | 02-10-2023, 6:00 PM |
Instructor | 1 |
Organizer | Northwest Shooter Instructors |
Location | Northwest Shooter |
Bookable | 7 |
Fees | $ 125.00 per person |
Units | (In Dollars) | |
Tactical Rates |
Per Shooter (spectators are free) |
Per Day | 30.00 | Rentals (not required) |
AR (Tactical Rifles) (ammo not included) |
Per hour | 50.00 |
Shotguns (Tactical) (ammo not included) |
Per hour | 50.00 |
Fully Automatic (Machine Gun) (ammo not included) |
Per hour | 150.00 | Ammo |
Rentals must use our ammo (check front desk for prices) |
Market Price | Eye & Ear Protection |
Ear Muffs & Safety Glasses | Per Day | 3.00 | Targets |
Targets | each | 1.00 |
Tactical Rules |
Please click on the RULES button to fill out RULES FORM; Bring form
with you if you are new to Northwest Shooter.